Just back from spending the weekend in lovely scenic Ogden, Utah at the Acorn Antique Show. The show was a great success ... I sold every single piece of lavender glass shown to the right, to five different customers!
Only one of the antique Victorian syrup pitchers above found a new home, but so did the sweet punch set ... The mother's pictures and mottoes will all be making their appearance at Treasures in a few days.
It was so fun to see Abby, a former Acorn Show dealer, and kind of an icon, she always dressed up in period clothing to do the show, and this weekend, she came in full regalia to meet up with old friends, and do some serious shopping.
This gentleman dropped by and checked out my toy train, he found it to be working and complete save one axle, (the wheels off that axle were even in the box) He was so pleased he took it home.
This charming antique pillow was purchased by my friend Stacy. It is two embroidered doilies, that have had pink stitched eyelets place at intervals through which lovely old ribbon is run to hold it together. I have a suspicion that it just might end up at Stacy's Shabby Shoppe sometime, what a charmer!!
At the end of the show, when the action was tapering off, my friend Cathie and I did a little 'shopping' around the show ... we surprised dealers as we added their goodies to Cathie's amazing vintage shopping cart. It was a great joke!! Cathie is shown here with Heidi, the Acorn Show's organizer.
The show was a lot of fun, but probably the sweetest moment was when my friend and blog follower Carole stopped by and fell in love with this pillow. I had commissioned the pillow to be made from an antique quilt I loved, but which was falling to threads. I displayed it in a guest room, which has since become my craft room ... so with no home of its own, I added it to my stash for the show. Its just so lovely to see something that I so love, and hate to let go of, find a new home, with someone I enjoy and who I know will appreciate it as much as I did. Thanks Carole!! The photo was sent to me by Carole, showing the pillow in its new home. What a charming shabby chair!!