
Monday, March 14, 2011

Polly's Practically Perfect Party Period 3/7 - 3/12

Last week was certainly a great one for friends and family.  It was a barrel of fun from one end to the other!!
This picture is of me with the man who played the mother in Hairspray at the Hale Center Theater.  He was great!  Such a big guy and so steady in his high heels!!  His acting was excellent as well.  He said that he no longer has such a great awe of women balancing in heels, as it wasn't that hard. The funny thing is that the day after I saw the play, I accidentally met his wife when I overheard her telling someone else at a sale I was attending, that she had made 'boobs' for her husband who was playing in Hairspray.  I had to show her this picture which was still on my camera, what are the chances?  His wife said that he had worn the heels around the house for a month to get good at it.  So much for the easy part, eh?
Here are the rest of the people who partied with me at the play.  In front is my husband Scott with our friends Robin and Jeff, behind them are friends, Donelle, Jerry, Randy and Barb.
This picture shows the young men with whom I had a double-double date  ( 2 'men' and 2 days!!) I ran up to Idaho for two days to fill in for a Nanny who had quit without notice, leaving my daughter Brittany in the lurch.  We had a great time!!
And here are more friends, we are having lunch (at Cafe Rio, of course)  to celebrate a great morning of junqueing, one of our best ever!!  Thankfully Cathy (middle) convinced Jennifer and me that we should not miss this particular sale, and she was sooooo right!!
So then Brittany and Mike came down from Idaho for the weekend to finish clearing out their house here and ready it for renters.  This picture shows my daughter Becca with Brittany when we all went to dinner Friday night.  It was the night of the BYU game, and we went to Iggy's because my daughter Darby works there.  It turned out to be a fiasco, because there were 14 of us, and people were just not leaving, as they stayed to watch the amazing game.  We waited an hour and a half for a table, but not to worry, the company was the best possible and ...
we got to watch the game too.  Here we see Trevor and Ben with their eyes glued to the big screen!!  What a fabulous game to get to see too!  BYU came back from loosing both of their regular season games to New Mexico to beat them in the tournament.  Trevor's smile pretty much says it all.
Of course not everyone was thrilled about the long wait, but Eva did find some comfort in snuggling into her mother's cosy purse.... besides which she got to look adorable in the bargain.
This is Eva's Mom Nell, and her Aunty Emily!!
This is Mike, Britt's husband, Scott (Nell and Trevor's oldest) and Kai.  Scott and Kai had a ball the whole weekend with lots of time being together, which they love.  They are just two weeks apart in age and could not be closer.  In fact when I was in Idaho, I was commenting on how cool the Boys and Girls Club was were Kai goes after school and asked him if he liked Twin better than Salt Lake.  He said there was one BIG problem with Twin, its four hours away from Scott!
Grandpa and Uncle Ben play with Titan, Becca's baby.
And this is me with Darby.  She arranged for us to have an amazing server, who kept us all happy despite the awkward wait.  It was fun to gather the family together at her work, just so she could 'sort of' attend the gathering.  The weekend included two more family get togethers.  Several of us met for lunch on Saturday after helping Mike and Britt load the moving van, and then Sunday we had our every-other-week family dinner at Mike and Britt's empty house so that they could join us before heading north for good. :-(
Then there was the baby shower I got to attend in the middle of everything else that was happening Saturday.  This cutie is my Neice Alicia.  She has 5 weeks before her baby boy will arrive.  It was great to see her and have a minute to visit.
This is me with Alicia's mother Julie.  She is married to my adorable, brown eyed baby brother, Ross.  It was good to see her too!   It was a great week for get togethers, and being the original party person that is just fine with me.  I am just grateful for my wonderful family and friends who make it possible!!


  1. Really now! Going to the BEST junk sale ever without me...THE NERVE! LOL! Just buggin' ya! xo
