
Saturday, August 6, 2011

See Grandpa Run and Run and Run ....

Good Morning, and here we are at Salt Lake's Beautiful Rio Tinto Stadium, home of Salt Lake's Real Soccer team, one of the sponsors of the National Guards Annual Minute Man 5K. 

Well, its been a while since my own 'minute man' has been in the National Guard, but since Associated Foods is also one of the sponsors, and employees where encouraged to join in this great fund raiser (funds go to National Guard families), here we are up bright and early on a Saturday morning!

My great husband is a health nut, and to his credit, he was one of about four men from the AFS office out early to beat the road bed.  There were plenty of folks from the feminine side of the AFS aisle, however...

Here we see Scott with several gals sporting 'Follow Me to Fresh Market' t-shirts that were allotted to able and willing employees.

Here Scott chats with one of the other three like minded men from the office, as a Guard cannon detail awaits the 'shot' that will start the race .... you gotta admit that having the National Guard sponsor a race does mean some really cool benefits.  I heard one of the runners later say 'Heck, that was my best time ever, I mean who wouldn't run fast with someone shooting big guns behind you!!
The friendly National Guard gunners even offered to take my picture with the big gun, though when my former Guard Guy looked at it later he said that as cannons go it was pretty puny ... really? (Its way bigger than the one my friend Steve Kew has !)

 And here they come... Scott was off his best time by almost a minute due to the hill that he is just running down from at the end of the race....

A little chatting it up with old friends and new, and that does it for our Minute Man 5K .... and we are off for a little junquing!!

Of course I can't leave off without mentioning a few really cool things about attending an event sponsored by the National Guard .... first and foremost is the band that was playing all day, dressed in fatigues ... there was also a bb gun shooting range in the truck behind them, a climbing wall, and a big old tank just for ambiance.   We definitely need to bring the grands with us next year!! I know that Ian the king of camo would absolutely love it!!

Oh and Congrats to Scott for finishing 260/689 overall and 8th in his age group!!  CONGRATS to the GRAMPS!!


  1. I am impressed that such an old guy can run so well! (I don't really think you are old at all but I sure like to Razz you about it!)
