
Monday, September 5, 2011

Our flea.o.logy Flea Market's Summer of 2011 Crowning Moment!!

 Its hard to imagine that our wonderful flea.o.logy season has come to an end.  Three wonderful sales have kept Jennifer, Cathie and me all happily busy, and I almost hate to see the last of it, even for half a year.  But first let me show you just how much fun our first (and last) two day sale was.

It all starts with dealers arriving with loaded trucks and vans, full of goodies for our great customers.  This is Rosemarie, whose son has been busy for months putting together wonderful creations from antique elements.  He also has great stacking skills as you can see by the height of his load.

Most dealers have helpers who come to set up with them.  Husbands, wives, children, cousins, sisters ... well you get the idea.  We could not do it without them, but when we have 27 dealers and all their helpers working in the yard the evening of set up, passers by naturally assume we are open for business.  This sale we all wore bright green flea.o.logy tags, like the one Fred (a helpful husband) is wearing above.  Once the tags were passed out it helped tremendously.

Of course the next day, the day of the sale, is all about our great customers, many of whom are fast becoming great friends.

This girl brought her own treasure to the thrill of some of the little boys at the sale.  The lady in white, however, just wanted a sweet pair of stafforshire dogs, now these are about the easiest pets ever.  Much easier than an iguana.                                                                                          

   I loved the little boy who found his dream toy, that just happened to match his shirt.
Of course these two girls represent some of my favorite shoppers at flea.o.logy, because they are my daughters, Emily, who is expecting this month, (my 11th grandchild as I am sure you wanted to know) and my daughter Becca whose husband and baby also came to visit and are shown below.

Above are some of the crafty projects we had available at the sale.  The crafty side of flea.o.logy was definitely on the rise this year.  We had hand crafted jewelry by six different dealers. Adorable baby goodies were available from three different dealers, and we even had some wonderful hand made purses and decor items.

And to top off all the fun of people and product, we ran a contest on our blog at  Jennifer (in blue) designed our flea queen crown, which was won by Kelly in a drawing of blog followers who made comments on a certain post.  Kelly lives in Payson just a few blocks from our fleaology house.  I actually 'met' her on etsy a few months ago when I 'favorited' a item of jewelry she had made.  She recognized my etsy moniker 'fleaology', how fun is that!!  Well Kelly is a long time flea.o.logy fan, and it was so fun to meet her, she is truly a kindred spirit, and she even brought me one of her amazing necklaces as a gift!!  Am I lucky or what?!!

Well, that does it.  I now have the winter to hibernate, right?  Or, rather, well, there is the Avenues Street Fair next week, (The flea.o.logists are sponsoring a double booth on second ave, come see us)  and the Walter Larsen Show next month, and the Acorn Show in Ogden the month after that, and the buying trip to California with my fleaology chums .... Hmmm.


  1. Sounds like you'll be one busy gal! Congrats to you all on a great sale! (*_*) xo

  2. Paula!!!! I was JUST thinking how I felt like all of you wonderful ladies were Kindred Spirits, especially after reading everyone's blogs too. I may become a stalker of you all!!! My crown is in a prominent spot in my living room and I gaze at it lovingly and always with a giggle too. I have ALWAYS wanted to make a crown and so I'm tickled pink to have one now. The show was fab as always!!! Thanx for a great shopping experience! Kelli Hansen

    1. Just rereading some old posts and realizing how much I like having you in my life ... following you on FB is a blast. See you soon, you flea.o.logist you!!
