
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Conference Sunday - Make Mine Sunny!!

 Yep, its the Fall Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City.  It often rains on those attending Conference, so we were thrilled with the lovely fall weather.  As we arrive at the Conference center on the left you see people holding up their hands indicating the number of tickets they hope someone will share.  On the right is a picture of Nastassia, the young woman who is a friend of one of our kids, who rode up with us to Conference.  Just as we entered the conference center she ran into old friends from her congregation back home, and got to renew acquaintances.  She is in the center. 

As always Conference was wonderful.  We attended the 5th and last session on Sunday Afternoon.  The wonderful feeling of so many like minded 'saints' all gathered together (21,000 of us in the conference center) is just amazing!!

Here we are after the session.

We happened by this photo op accidentally.  How cute is this.  The little boys in suits were all wearing 'future missionary' tags, you can just see the one on the far right.

Then when we got to dinner at the home of one of our children, we got to see some of our own adorable little people.  Titan is on the left and Becky is on the right.

 Then here's a couple of our 'babies' .... though they are not little people at all, I admit.  Darby is on the left and Becca is on the right.  (Yep I have a daughter and granddaughter named Rebecca/Rebekah, fun eh?)
And this picture shows how my kids had fun playing cross dressing with my grand babies.  The baby on the far left, despite his curls, is a he, the baby on the right, though dressed up like a boy, is an adorable sweet natured little girl.  Titan is in the middle, practically in his birthday suit. Have I mentioned how fun it is to have three babies within 6 weeks of age?

Conference Day dinners started when Scott and I were newly weds at his folks house.  His mom Connie was a great and creative cook, we always loved getting together there. I know my children miss her.  I think we always think about her at Conference Dinners like this one.  She passed away  3  1/2 years ago.  We love you Grandma Connie!!

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