
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Our First Flea.ette Goes Down in Happy History!!

Despite the rain delay that made us wait an extra week to hold our first flea.ette, the day finally came.  It was the perfect fall day for junking too!! Temperatures in the 70's, sunshine and friends, everything one needs for a perfect sale.  There were 7 of our regular flea.o.logy dealers and one new dealer who I met at the Walter Larsen Show the beginning of the month.

Cathie brought the mannequin from her personal collection of stuff, to hold our 'open' and 'closed' sign, isn't she cute. She also brought the pumpkins and gourds to sell for her neighbor children.  I thought they added the perfect fall festival air to our sale.
Here we see one of our first customers browsing in Rosemarie's booth.

In the picture to the left we see Jenn's creative use of a lovely crab apple tree.  To the left is my daughter Becca, she came to help me set up and is shown with my daughter-in-law Nell's jewelry.

Here are a few shots of displays that various dealers put together.

This charming table is part of Jana's booth.  She is such a talented crafter.  Her goodies were very popular!!
This is a shot of my booth.

And here we are, Jenn, Cathie and me, the three flea.o.logists.  The sale had lots of customers, but nothing like our normal turnout in Payson.  The hosting store, Simply Splendid in Pleasant Grove, is a charming boutique and bistro, and they were wonderfully accommodating. We had a great time, added lots of customers to our mailing list and made new friends.

So thanks to Dana at Simply Spendid, we had a , well, spendid time!! (...and their Tuna Melt as well as their Monte Cristo sandwiches are exceptional!)

1 comment:

  1. I was so sad I had to miss it. I was doing the Farm Fest out past the bowling alley in Payson, (I'll be there next weekend too). Looked like a great time!!!!
