
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Witch Which is Witch at the Witches' Fall Ball?

Well, here we are, the moment I have looked forward to for a month.  The culmination of lots of decorating,  cleaning, planning and cooking.  I knew my friend LaVern would arrive an hour early to help so when the doorbell rang, I expected her.  BUT when I opened the door I could not imagine that the witch standing there had anything at all to do with my friend LaVern.    What a great costume. 

Here are her great pointy witches shoes ... and a display of her culinary talents too!
The table was set and ready to go ... time for the 'witching hour'!

... And here are some of my favorite witches.  Raelene is to the far left, looking every bit the fashionable witch that she is.  Wendy is next sporting a charming glittered and lime green hat.  LaVern is hard to miss in the middle, then there is Robin in her best witchy finery.
A few more witch friends and relatives arrive, from the left  is Bri, my adorable daughter in law with her son, (and only male at the event) Elias.  The red hat is worn by my sister Joyce, with Raelene and LaVern finishing out the picture.
Next to arrive is my friend Cathie, in her red and black festive frock, matching perfectly with Joyce's red and black attire. I told them that they looked like the Witch Diplomatic core from the south of the border.
Next it's Eva with her mom and sister too.  This picture is in honor of Eva and me choosing the same festival Halloween color scheme.  (I loved her bat and tinsel antennae!)

Now we all gather around the table ready for our witches fare, and it is at this point, with Eva sitting at the head of the table that she takes in the site of her aunts and my friends, all dressed up as witches and turned to me and says "Grandma, this is the BEST witches' party, EVER!"
In this picture we see the head place setting, where Eva sits for the luncheon.  The bowl will soon contain Butternut Squash Soup, to be eaten with the ghoulist crackers on the bread plate to the left.

Then Witch LaVern brings in the main dish, 'pumpkin brains and eyeballs', every one's witchy feast fav.  It was served with charming bone shaped bread sticks that LaVern was nice enough to bring.

After finishing our carmeled apples we played a game of Witch Bingo.  It gave us a chance to visit with our neighboring witches and if we paid attention, it even gave us a chance to win some chilling witchy treats!! 
After the luncheon I gathered my daughter, and daughters-in-law together on the couch with their children for this picture.  I think they are all just witchy wonderful, don't you!!

... and last of all I wanted to show off a couple of decor corners.  On the left is one of my homemade mannequins.  I dressed her up as a festive witch after seeing a segment of a local TV show that features one of my favorite local boutiques, Dear Lizzie.  The mannequin in their segment is actually one that I made and sold at the antique store where I work, she is an older sister of the one shown here.  If you would like to take a look at the segment, which is worth watching, click  Here  The mannequin siting is about 3/4 of the way through the segment if you want to fast forward.

To the left is a corner of my entry hall.  The birdcage with the tiny pumpkins was just fun.  The witch doll is actually an original crafted after Elphaba of 'Wicked' fame, a favorite of mine.  My husband had her commissioned by a local doll artist whose work I collect, what a nice surprise.   I actually had a chance to go to the open house last weekend for Nettie's Gnomes and Witches, and in a future post will show you her amazing work, as well as her charming cottage like home.

Thanks for coming along on this witches' venture.  It was my first witch party, but definitely not my last.


  1. This looks like so much fun!! Your table is fantastic and everyone looks... witchy!!

  2. Oh, I see the dress form dressed as a witch, how cute! I thought oops, you linked the wrong post LOL Thank you for coming to the dress form ball


  3. this fabulous!!!! What fun you ladies must have had. I keep collecting Halloween decor, bound and determined to have a party one year. :)

  4. Great costume and fun! Popping in from Carol's dress form party to say hi!

  5. Her outfit was perfect for your party!!

    Have a great day and Thank You for sharing!


  6. What a party!!
    Love the dress form all decked out in Halloween goodness.
    Thanks for sharing.

  7. Oh Pollyanna, Your witch MUST come hang out with my Hilde sometime. She may make Hilde a bit jealous because you have dressed her absolutely fabulous! I am visiting from The Polka Dot Closet dress form party. Your entire witches party looks so darn fun. Love all of the witches. Gotta ask, where do you live girl? I live in Alpine, UT and there is a Dear Lizzies shop just down the road. I didn't see it, but heard that it was on T.V. Could it be the same place? If so, small world huh? I am now a new follower of your sweet blog.

    1. Hi Jann, I live on the other end of the county, in Payson. Small world, eh? Took a look at your blog and LOVE your wall hanging, what a talented lady!! xoxo

  8. Your Halloween dressform is hauntingly beautiful. Looks like a fun party!

  9. O MY!! What a fantastic post and such a great idea that I will have to keep a Witches Tea or Ball in mind for next Halloween!!
    LOVE your witches dress form!! Loved this whole post for that matter!!
    Thanks so much for sharing it with us!!


  10. I love the dress foirm done up in vintage Halloween, and I love the table scape you have here.

  11. What fun and all the wondeful details. The dress form is a stunner!

    Tassels Twigs and Tastebuds
