
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Putting the Tropics Behind Me!

Yesterday, my third day post Hawaii, was the first day I really felt like I was back into the rythm of my life.  I won't bore you with the majority of the three hundred plus photos I took, but I thought I would share a few.

This is our entire group, including my dh, two of my sons, one of my daughters, a daughter-in-law and 1 and a 1/2 of my grandchildren at the Polyneisian Cultural Center on the north shore of Oahu, near where we rented a house.

 We spent a bit of time at BYU-Hawaii, twice. My d-i-l is an alumni, and was showing us the hot spots.  In front of the bookstore we found these colorful bikes racked. Inside a Farmer's Market was going on.
 It was fun to see the students loading up on fresh produce and other local product. Later I saw this girl getting ready to ride off with her groceries which included a flat of eggs.

She was nice enough to let me take her picture as she wheeled away. It made me smile.

My son Trevor, is also a BYU-H alumni, so we hold a special place in our heart for the school.

Well, since I know that 'other people's' vacation pictures are ALWAYS boring, I will fast forward to the end, and let my grandson Elias and his Dad, Davin say goodbye and ...

"Y'all come back now, hear?"