
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday Wanderings: The Bijou Market in Provo

All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;

Yep, I have been off wandering yet again, and for this week's Wednesday Wandering I want to take you to a boutique in downtown Provo, a town about 15 minutes north of me here in Utah.     Last Saturday I got to meet my daughter at the fun local boutique, Bijou Market.  Becca and I wandered around and found lots of fun, homemade, crafty and clever things.  I loved this birthday banner and made sure to take one home with me to save for celebrations.  I am not sure if you can tell, but the pennants have an eyelet cut trim as well as cut out letters.  Oh so charming.   You can get one too, at her etsy shop, if you  like.

 ... and these little critter people just made you want to give them a hug!

It was fun to watch this excellent portrait artist at work.  If you are in need of such an artist this is her email is and her blog, which I found to be a lot of fun, so go and take a peek.

 I was charmed by these terrarium  jars, especially since I have them on the mind, having just done a terrarium of my own.  I have always found them to be fascinating, with their self contained watering system. These will be available soon on etsy at this site.
Becca and I found these wood clad sunglasses to be very interesting because her younger brother is making and selling wood sunglasses at his site.  These are veneered, and his are solid polished wood, until I spied the price on these I didn't realize what a good deal his solid wood glasses are.

I thought the display above was charming, and how cool are the heels with the pink bows on the back?  The tissue paper chandelier to the left was one of several available at the sale, all as ethereal as this one, and they send out such a soft light.

I liked the triple display frame above.  There were lots of great ideas for displays.  And as a nice bonus I was even able to find a vendor with washi tape ... so I was a happy girl.  
   Then we noticed, installed in the great brick walled shop space where the market was held, this chandelier arrangement and thought it was fabulous too.  Instead of a huge ballroom chandelier, they had hung a grouping of identical chandeliers, and together they had an amazing impact!! What a great idea!

As Becca and I were waiting to check out we were approached by Heather Mildenstein of Square Native ... a site that supports local Provo Businesses!! 

All in all it was a great morning.  I love it when I get to do things with my girls!  Thanks for coming along.


  1. Looks so fun. Is it open everyday? Mimi

    1. Sorry its one of those occassional sales. You may want to goodle it, and come next time.

  2. Looks like fun! Love the pink shoes, the tissue paper chandelier and the chandelier grouping...oh,and YOU of course! Love you too! xo
