
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dear Lizzie; THE Place to Wander

For my Wednesday's Wanderings today, I am going to take you to a local shop that is a favorite of anyone who has ever been inside.

Dear Lizzie was started by Laura Jarman, one of our customers at Treasures Antiques where I work.  She is amazingly talented, and the atmosphere she has created at her shoppe and bistro are wonderfully charming.

Its on the other end of the county from me, but I try to drop by often, especially when I receive notice of an event like I did the beginning of May.  I called my friend Robin, who amazingly, had never been in the store, though she lives less than a mile away.

 Being the shopping maven that she is she agreed to accompany me.  She too was charmed as we wandered among the wonderfully ethereal goods.  We both marveled at the fun clothing, and I took home the sweet lace top that is shown on the mannequin above.... I just wish I could get away with yards and yards of tulle ...
One of my favorite customers, Shirley, who is also a blog follower recently said that my booths in the antique mall remind her of Dear Lizzie.  I can think of no higher praise ...  blush,  though I must admit I am definitely a devotee of this store, and I sing its praises everywhere I go.

The products that Dear Lizzie carries, from hand crafted to antique to the  commercially made, come together to create such a romantic haven. 

After some very fruitful hunting and gathering, alas it was time to complete our transactions and get glitter stars stamped onto our checks!  I guess all good things must come to an end.

But it was just a few weeks later that Robin and I and some other friends went to lunch for my birthday.  Imagine my delight when I dug into a nest of curlicued ribbons and aqua dotted tissue paper to find one of these amazing glitter encrusted crown wands inside ...  I knew that once Robin went to Dear Lizzie, she would find herself there again, and again ... and I even have the evidence to prove it.
Last of all, below is a picture of Robin with the first of my homemade paper mache mannequins, which Laura purchased for her store at Treasures a couple of years ago.  Thanks for coming along on this ethereally glittered tour, I just wish that each of your could spend an afternoon at Dear Lizzie some time.


  1. Oh my! I would absolutely love to visit that store, there are so many pretty things in your pictures and it sounds like you have a wonderful time whenever you go.

    Thank You for sharing with us and I hope you have a wonderful night!

    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  2. Neat place with soe great stuff.


  3. I am blushing at your kind comments about me! =D Dear Lizzy should carry all your creations! My only beef about the store is she sends out postcards for one-day only mid-week specials and I can never seem to make it on those days...crikey!

    1. That's true, I can only make it to about half of her special sales ... and sometimes its just for a quick drop in.

  4. My FAVORITE STORE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!, but you know that already don't you! And you went without me? Well I never! (*_*) We should meet up there one of these days, shop and have a sweet treat! xo
