
Friday, June 8, 2012

Pollyanna's Practically Perfect Day!

So for my Friday Favorite this week I am going to share a Favorite Filosophy. Today at work, another dealer came in, a man I like and who is kind to a fault, however ...  For some reason, when he leaves he always says "Well, remember, tomorrow will be a better day!"  I've tried to explain how, as a Pollyanna, I find that attitude to negative. How stating that tomorrow will be better, infers that today somehow fell short.   He can't see it.  So today a thought occurred to me and I said, "How can tomorrow be a better day when today was absolutely perfect?"  He stopped, stunned, and asked how I could say that ... I frantically ran over my day in my mind and said " Well, my dear friend Stacy came down to shop today and we got to visit a bit.  And Keith bought me lunch. And my friend (and fellow flea.o.logy dealer) Cathie came down to work in her booth, and I enjoyed her.  I also got to work with my friend Nikki, who I adore. 

I  had the nicest lady came in and sell me windows, windows I need for the Garden House my husband is currently building me ..."    Margaret has a Bed and Breakfast a few miles south of us in  Eureka and I had a great time talking about her B and B, and sharing notes on old house renovations. 
 When I stopped and thought about it I HAD had a wonderful day. And it continued from there.

I stopped on my way home for groceries and picked up the new Romantic Homes Magazine, because my friend Stacy is spotlighted in it.  Imagine my delight when I saw her page and noted the sweet French lady shown at the  right.  She is actually one of my reinventions, an antique bit of art decoupaged onto a 1920's cigarette case.  Stacy bought her from me years ago and the French Lady still makes me smile. 

When I got home, my DH was sitting in the parlor, doings some bill related things on his IPhone.  When I sat to visit with him I noticed this amazing rainbow on my wall.  It was actually even brighter than the picture shows, the brightest I have ever seen.  We have beveled glass in our west facing stained glass window which creates this effect and afternoon and evening rainbows constantly remind me of my love of all things Pollyanna.   I thought it was perfectly fitting for my day of being reminded that focusing on the good in our days helps us realize that every day can be wonderful, and that it seems impossible to imagine that tomorrow could be better!

Even the watermelon that I bought on the way home, was sweet and delicious.  I am so grateful for a wonderful day, full of wonderful people and many, many acts of kindness and generosity.
So, if you are one of those people who uses 'Pollyanna' as a negative appellation, I hope you can forgive my Fabulous Friday Favorite Filosophy. 


  1. Glad to hear you had such a good day! You even had watermellon like Pollyanna...except their "slices" were gigantic! ;)

  2. Maybe you've broken him of his bad (attitude) habit. Time will tell. :@

  3. How wonderful to be considered part of a perfect day!

  4. That's what I was thinking Cathie...I was considered part of a "perfect day"...thank you Paula! It really was great to visit with you! xo
