
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fallow Frield Farm Day! Hooray!

Today's post is basically a photo essay.  These are pictures of the booth I spent four hours setting up at Fallow Field Farm today.  (If you are reading this today, September 29th, come on over, the info is on my right side bar!) What an amazing venue ... but I will save that for another post, another day.  If you are a regular follower I am sure you will see lots of pictures of items I have been getting ready this week.  Thanks for coming to share this event with me .... Enjoy!

Lots of the jewelry was created by my daughter-in-law, Nell.

Also, thought you might enjoy seeing my crammed van, this view is of  the back with the doors open ... it was full, full, full!!  Hope I have little to bring back ... well, I can wish!  :-)


  1. Hope the show goes well for you! Wish I could come!

  2. It looks like a great show! Hope to see more pictures.

  3. Good luck with your show! Your booth is adorable and I wish I wasn't so far away...I would so go!

  4. Thanks all, it turned out to be a great show. The weather was amazing, and the venue stunning. I am going to do a blog next week about Marci's 'Fallow Field Farm', which is the name of the amazing hobby farm where she lives with her family, so charming. You are all going to LOVE it!

  5. Your booth was utterly charming, Paula! Perfect for the venue and filled with lovely treasures.

  6. Wow, this looks like it could be a lot of fun. So glad it was a great show.
