
Friday, September 21, 2012

Flower Faces That Say Good Morning!

This morning when I went out to water the flowers in the window boxes on my garden house, I was charmed by the many lovely flowers that have managed to survive the neglect that I heaped on them this summer while I was so focused on the building of the garden house.
 To the right are my happy Black Eyed Susans, clustered around the old birdhouse.

Above is a lone old fashioned hollyhock bloom.  Not sure why this heirloom variety blooms so late, but I am happy it has managed to come up through the choking mint that has spread into its border.

Around my Wonderland White Rabbit statue, the Virginia Creeper is doing its bit to add to my autumn garden color ...  and I have to admit that I am a feeling a bit self conscious about the state of my garden, as I have a dear friend, AND accomplished gardener coming to see my garden house in two weeks and  I am pretty sure she will be less than impressed with the state of my garden.   Fortunately, she loves, me and isn't there a saying that goes something like this?

"A true friend overlooks your broken garden gate and notices your beautiful flowers "...  Perhaps that is true of overlooking the "uninvited plants" as well.

This sweet late rose is certainly doing its best to distract the viewer from the weeds that have surrounded it.

Above you can see my mint and lemon balm competing to take over the world, well at least the gravel path.
But the morning glory climbing up my garden welcome sign, is always a favorite.  I love morning glory, especially when it volunteers to brighten my garden during a summer when I find myself so remiss in my responsibilities.  Thanks to all the happy flowers that cheer me, and that will hopefully cheer you as well!!  I only wish I could share the lovely birdsong I enjoyed while taking this pictures.


  1. Beautiful! I love your blog, I learn something all the time from it.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, they are so appreciated!! :-)

  2. These are all of my favorite fall flowers, too! I'm afraid mine will be history tomorrow morning as it is SNOWING right now in northern MN!!

    1. Oh, I am so sorry. We are hoping for another mild month, weather wise. So sad to see flower time come to an end, though snow is beautiful in its own way.
