
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Garden Cottage Warming and Luncheon.

So, today was my first Garden House event, and I hope there are many to come ... one smart blog follower suggested decorating it for holidays and the seasons.  Loved the idea and used a fall theme for my 'house warming'.

It was fun to gather the autumn colored items from my booths at Treasures Antiques ... then my collected Autumn color dishes and gold glassware that usually only manage a trip from the bottom of the cupboard on Thanksgiving ...  Top that with a spattering of autumn leaves ...

...a lovely literate fairy to hold court and most importantly ...

Dear friends and blog followers who have followed my posts on the construction of the garden house all summer.  I just wish more of my wonderful blog followers lived closer and could have joined us today.
The borders on my place cards were compliments of  Graphics Fairy, of course.
And then, if one is to have a party in a garden house named "Chawton Cottage", (the name of Jane Austen's home) one must certainly be entertained by a lively literary game!!  These cleverly wrapped books were the subject of a '1,2,3 its Frozen', gift exchange and book review.
It was a lovely afternoon, and excepting the loss of the association with friends who were unable to come, it was the best of  times ...


  1. I can see by the smiles everybody enjoyed your new space! Your table looks lovely and I love your green painted chairs!

  2. Oh thank you, the chairs are special project of mine. They are smaller than modern folding chairs, and came with card table sets int he 40's and 50's. They fold so flat that they take just an inch in width to store. I have almost 20 of them now, and they take up about 2 feet in width in my storage shed. Love them!!

  3. It looks like it was a lovely party. . . I'm SO sorry I couldn't make it. What a beautiful way to "warm" your cottage. hugs. . .

  4. Oh what a lovely way to serve lunch. I didn't realize your cottage was as big as it is. I like the way you switched up the gold glass plates and your more autumn colored plate setting. So cute. Hope you all had a good time (I'm sure you did!)
    Blessings Paula Lusk.

    1. Thanks, the mixed china and gold depression glass is a result of falling in love with the partial set of antique chinaat the antique store, and thinking I could find enough more to make a set. I have never seen another single piece of it, so have had to make do!! We did have a good time, thanks.

  5. What a lovely setting for a luncheon! I hope to see your garden house someday.=D

  6. This looks like a lot of fun went on. The table looks great with all the fall touches. Lots of smiles.


  7. Paula ~ you outdid yourself as usual! Thank you so much for inviting me and I'm so sorry that I was sick and couldn't make it. :( It looked wonderful!

  8. Your garden house looks beautiful!!! Lunch looks good too and all those happy faces.


  9. This is so lovely! Would love if you'd join our Countdown to Fall link party! Hope to see you there! Happy Friday! :)

  10. What a fun event! Love the table setting and the green chairs. Can't wait to see your garden house. I will hop back soon and read old posts. Hopefully I will get to see it. Thanks for sharing this fun day with Share Your Cup.

  11. It does look so lovely. Thanks for sharing on Shabbilicious Friday.
