
Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Fabulous, Fun Hobby Farm Tour!

I know I have mentioned Fallow Field Farm about a bazillion times over the last few weeks, so I hope you can stand one more post about my experience there.

Marci Welker and her husband have two acres of land and it is filled with fun hobby farm features.  Each building I am picturing is a separate building, no multiple shots, so you can see how many cool out buildings there are.

Love this simple water feature, a large animal water trough that simple over flows and is refilled, the sound of water is the perfect background music of this venue.

 The back half of the property is indicated by this sign, which made me smile.

The several walk ways are also varied and interesting.  My favorite was this rock path.

This gate leads into the area where the hen house is located.

Then there was this open sided patio/house, and I laughed when I recognized this Halloween party poster from Graphics Fairy.   That seemed to be a theme as customers and other dealers recognized the art I had used from Graphics Fairy as well.  I also found another dealer who had printed off Graphics Fairy art onto book pages, as shown below.


I also loved this walk way that leads from the front area behind the house to the very back area of the property, past several pens that house exotic pheasants. Love that I caught these two cute girls also documenting their time at the hobby farm.


And now we arrive at the back of the hobby farm, where my booth was located.  Above is the green house they are in the process of building from old windows.  Isn't it amazing?  To the left is the horse that was my next door neighbor, you can see my booth through the fence on the right side of the photo.
My grandchildren came, both during set up and for the sale, and LOVED the animals.  Here is my granddaughter Eva, she spent at least a half an hour petting the dog through the fence of his kennel. 
 Behind where the final four dealers were set up, was another paddock that was full of fallow deer, as well as another pen to the side of us with turkeys, including two sweet turkey chicks that wandered around while we were setting up.  What a delightful venue, I am so looking forward to doing the sale again next year.
Oh, and last, but not least, I want to show you the fun outfit that Steph from Abode wore.  Steph is also a dealer at Treasures Antiques where I work, and she always has an amazing style!!  Thanks for coming along to check out the hobby farm!


  1. Awesome pictures!! Thank you again for bringing your special touch to the show. Your booth was one of my very favorites!
