
Monday, October 22, 2012

Dead and Breakfast Sign

Just finished up this spooky sign, and I am loving it already.  I live in a house that was built of stone in the late 1800's.  A lots of kids in the neighborhood already believe its haunted so I try to decorate with more humor than gruesome details.

I saw this sign this morning on Eleven-o-one Creations and loved it.  I had seen others on Pinterest, but not one I cared for.  This one simply inspired me.

I had this board I had picked up at a second hand store for a buck, knowing it would come in handy some day.  I painted it white ...
Then printed off the words in the font and size I wanted, along with my ever favorite witch silhouette from Graphics Fairy and then turned them all over and scribble on the back with a number two pencil.  After tracing them onto the painted board, I colored in the details with various sizes of sharpie markers.  Last of all I used an old ink pad and 'antiqued' the edges of the board.  I added a couple of eye hooks, and voila!!
I had a perfectly spooky but not scary sign for my front porch!!  Hope all is going well with you and your holiday prepartions!!  Its hard to believe the big day is just 10 days away!!  Enjoy! 


  1. I love it! I am intrigued by the transfer technique and plan to try it!

  2. Love your sign! I have to try that technique too!


  3. What a great perfectly spooky it looks!
    Come over for a visit and see my giveaway❤

  4. This is just gorgeous! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. It's the best Halloween sign I've ever seen.

  5. I think this is a great sign, but I actually also liked the sign as it was before!

  6. So adorable! I actually am trying to decide what to do with a cabinet door I found at the dump. Pretty sure I'll be making a sign with it. Love your technique. Mimi

  7. This IS perfectly spooky. Love it!! You did a great job on it.

    Have a great day,
