
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Reinventing: Doll Clothes!

My Granddaughter Lu Lu just turned two.  I asked her mother, a few weeks ago, what she would like for her birthday.  She said she loves dragging dolls and stuffed animals around and she also loves Minky fabric items. 
 Being the reinventer that I am, I found a minky feeling teddy bear, and a black polka dot dress.  Then found a smaller dot item at a second hand store to refashion for the teddy bear ....
So that 'she' could match Lu Lu ... In making the 'doll' dress, I used the original hems and neck edging from the tank top, which made it fast to put together, maybe a total of a half hour.  Then I added rick rack in two sizes to make them match even more.  My grand children all know how Grandma loves black and white and especially polka dots.  I loved the story that Lu Lu's mother told me today.  She was shopping with Eva, Lu's older sister who is five, and they saw some black and white polka dots clothing items, Eva pointed to them and said, "Look Mom, those are grandma's favorite color!"  I LOVE it.

Lu Lu loved her new bear AND her new matching dress!!  She is such a fun, happy and sweet baby, it just warmed my heart to see her already dragging her little friend along!! 
 Happy Birthday to you
Sweet Lu Lu whose two
Everybody loves you
Our smiling Lu Lu!!


  1. You are a sweet grandmother! When I only had a couple I would make them dresses and other things...but now there are 8 and they love keeping score! lol!

    1. That's because you are so dependable. I am so random, I doubt my kids or grands could keep score, though I admit some ARE easier to buy/create for than others.

  2. What a great idea! Well-executed, as usual!

  3. That is just the sweetest thing! Your granddaughter and her little bear look adorable in their matching dresses!
