
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Dispirited by Luisa Perkins

Today I managed to have one of those 'all about me' days.
lucky me
Lucky to have a Mister P in my life, that is.
He headed south to run some work errands and let me stow away.
Then filled my wish list.
Antiquing at the Depot in Cedar City
Lunch at Cafe Rio
Listening to Soundtracks from Musicals
Singing along, alternating parts
Reading one of the 'Shoe' books
Snuggling in my down comforter
Junquing at a second hand store in St. George
Big ol' juicy steak for dinner
Browsing and a book review by the author at Braun's Books
also in Cedar City
So the plot thickens.
Luisa Perkins, a thrice published author, shared the conception and birth of her most recent book, Dispirited!
She also shared the progress of her next book, which is now in the publishing process.

Then she shared her most recent batch of pumpkin scones ...
what could make a anglophile like me any happier?
(Stacy, isn't it time for us to go out for tea again?)
You can go to her blog for the recipe and also more information about her books!

Visiting author Ryan Hunter (right) did the same ... well, other than the pumpkin scone part.

Here Mr. P. (Luisa's) and Mister P (mine) enjoy catching up, they are cousins separated most of their lives by most of the county.

Then, of course, there were books to be signed, here Ryan Hunter signs her book Indivisible for me ... so now there are good reads to come.  :-)

Then last of all, pictures with the authors ... thanks ladies it was a lovely evening, the frosting on the wonderful cake that was my day! (Or should I say scone?)


  1. Lucky you indeed! Sounds like a wonderful day. Thanks for sharing,liz

  2. Sounds like a perfect day. So nice to be able to do that once in a long while. Blessings Paula
