
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

We Need a Little Christmas ... Now.

Hello all, just wanted to share some little bits of the Acorn Show last weekend.  This sweet little tea cup on an antique candlestick was probably the best display idea I gleaned from the show.
 Loved the stack of storybook doll boxes ... well, you know me and polka dots.

 More chintzware catching my eye,  I may feel a renewed collecting phase coming on ... but seriously is there anything more cheerful than chintz china?

I am always impressed with miniatures ... these great homemade buildings were likely part of a boys train set, once upon a time.

Love this chippy clock, even though I know its not old, they did a great job with it, and well, I love the French Blue!

Carmen Miranda's is a local vintage jewelry store ... she has amazing stuff, and I thought this case was just too fun and colorful to pass by.
So, since you have been so good as to scroll through the things I liked, I will reward you with lots of vintage Christmas ... cause as for me right now ... "I need a little Christmas, right this very minute ..."

 I love the old nativity scenes, and this one is just precious.

So much kitschy vintage Christmas, I am starting to feel a little better all ready, at least I am smiling.

Well, it was another successful Acorn Show for me, my best in sales so far!  I had a lovely time, and managed to load out without the help of Mr. P!!  I felt very independent!! 
It was super fun to see those of you who dropped by during the show!!  Thanks

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