
Monday, December 10, 2012

Family Movie Night

What a blast ... just back from my family's annual Christmas party.  This year it was hosted by my brother Ross at his home.  He and his wife Julie made us a lovely dinner and hosted our old family movies in their home theater.

The three diamonds on the door represent the name of the theater, the sign for which is shown above.

My Brother Ross, his wife, and my dh sat on huge bean bags up front, but here are the rest of us all snuggled in and ready for the show.

All of the men are my brothers, the hooded mystery lady is my sister.  We had so much fun laughing and retelling old family stories, I just wish I had arranged to record what was said to add as an audio track to the old movies which spanned some 25 years.
Thanks to all my wonderful siblings for such a happy childhood, and of course, we are all thankful for our amazing parents, Rudy and Norma Larsen.


  1. Thanks, Sis, for the nearly complete family picture!! xox

    1. Yep, all of my living siblings were there but one ... btw there's a more complete pic on the family blog ... love you!

  2. That looks like it was so much fun Paula! xo

  3. Looks like a fut time, what a good idea.

