
Friday, December 28, 2012

Memory Drawer

All the wonderful and fun preparations for Christmas are over ... now there is nothing to do but to preserve the memories of Christmas 2012.   I am first and foremost a journaler.  I have scrapbooked since I was in High School, long before it was trendy.  In the 1990's I redid all the boring scrapbooks I had done for my children after becoming friends with a Creative Memories consultant ... I have never looked back.  This year I found another great   scrapbooking idea on Pinterest ... a drawer of memories.  Each memory is recorded on a card and then stacked together in an old drawer.  Since I had a nice old sewing machine drawer, I knew just what to do.

I made several cards for my children and their families, etc.  Other cards focused on an event or activity.

The one's above show elements of our celebration of Hannukah, which I spell my own way, since its not 'real Hanukkah'.  To the left are Nativity pics.

I will include a card for each of my grandchildren.  All cards have the years on them, so that as I add cards in the years to come, we will be able to put them in order, if we want to.

I even made cards that are of scenes that just make me happy.  Graphics Fairy is a great place to find goodies like these.

My friend Nikki saw me working on these and suggested that next year I could attach them to a garland to make a cool holiday banner.  I love the idea, and added punched holes or something to attach each to a garland when the times comes.

I LOVE the picture above ... and it just 'happened'.  As we were getting things ready for Christmas Eve, my son-in-law Sam brought up his Trombone and started playing, then my son Spencer ran to the attic and got his ... next they had dug out my husband Scott's trombone ... how fun is that!!  Also, did you notice?  They all have names that start with 'S' .. thus the 'S' on the top of their card.

I am indebted to Graphics Fairy for the darling background pattern I used on my drawer front.  


  1. What a wonderful idea. So simple. If you have time to do one card, perfect. If you've got time to do more, hey. What an easy, non-overwhelming way to scrap memories. LOVE x 18!


  2. Me too! I've been wanting to scrap some of my photos and have made a few mini albums - but this is great! I have a wicker organizer that's just sitting on desk I have repainted and I've placed some of my mini albums in there - but this is just the perfect way to finish it off and get something done with all those photos!! Thanks so much for the inspiration! Happy New year to you, Dru

  3. This matches my celebration draw.I care for a mentally disabled sister and we have a draw of cards so she knows whats the next celebration to happen in the year.Could be a birthday ,human or dog,the eggs hatching under the hen,easter or any celebration.Gives her something positive to look forward to.
