
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Quilts at the Festival of Trees.

Just looking back at some pictures taken this holiday season and found these wonderful quilts that were donated to the Festival of Trees, held to raise money for charity care at the Primary Children's Medical Center.  I thought you might enjoy taking a look.  This one to the right is my personal favorite, but there were a lot of contenders, as you can see.

Lots of them have holiday themes, but most did not.  Just amazingly crafted, hand made quilts, that were then donated with a great deal of love to one of the best causes I know.  Especially since right now my darling grand nephew Tanner is being treated at Primary's for leukemia.  If he can get off the IV with heart medication, and adapts well to the oral medicine he can go home for Christmas for a few days .... all of your prayers to this end would be appreciated.  Tanner is nine.

I hope you enjoyed your trek down the isles and isles of donated quilts .... OK, I know I edited them quite a bit for you, there are actually hundreds of them.  What a great gift of love. 
 I truly love the sense of goodness I get at the Festival of Trees. So much good done by so many for those innocents who cannot help themselves.


  1. They're all so beautiful, but my favorite is the applique 'Good Tidings of Great Joy.' That puts a spark of motivation in even me, who's never quilted a thing in her life.

  2. Thanks for showing the quilts Paula. I actually did not take any pictures of them so it was nice to see some of them. They are all so beautiful! xo

  3. ONE DAY, I am going to learn to quilt. I LOVE quilt's. Thank's for sharing Paula. As alway's, I enjoy looking at your post's. Have a Merry Christmas....

  4. Prayers for Tanner, and his family. Not quite believing he has to go through all this *again.*
