
Monday, January 21, 2013

Flea.o.logy Junking Mid Winter!!

On Saturday we held our second indoor winter flea.o.logy sale and at the same time started our 8th year of flea.o.logy flea markets here in Payson, Utah where I live.  How many wonderful memories of fabulous finds, fine friendships and fleaing fun we have shared!!  Here are a few snippets of Saturday's sale.
I used a graphic from Karen's blog, Graphics Fairy to make the jewelry display card for this reinvented red and silver Valentine's bracelet ... it didn't last long ...

My friend Wendy had to work,  but brought a few wonderful antique goodies and a some crafted items for me to sell in my booth.  I love these decorated coverless books!!
Here are a few other shots of goodies that were available at the sale ... these cute jars were a real hit!
Love the necklace above ... I am a nut about cameos, and thought it was just charming.  My friend Andrea donated her 'Be Mine' banner to help with a fund raiser we are doing in our church to help buy a man with advanced muscular dystrophy a special van ... it sold within 5 minutes!
Above is Steve, our local jewelry artisan ... he has boxes and boxes of old silver plate flatware, and you choose your pattern and tell him what jewelry piece you want him to make out of it... then you get to watch it happen!!  To the left is Penny's booth, she does junk construction art ... LOVE the star robot!!
We even had a booth with wooden sun glasses ... Everyone thought they were awesome .... and everyone looked like a movie star when they put them on!
The garden house cat didn't seem to intimidated by the crowds, he jumped up into my friend Kelli's 'work case' and snuggled in for a nap that lasted most of the day.  Kelli said she should have charge people to take pics!
Above  is Rhonna showing off her amazingly good deal.  The whole set of aqua canisters was ten dollars ... she was doing the happy dance!!  Rhonna brought along a whole crew of Instagramming friends ... they found lots of amazing shots, do a search on Instagram for fleaology and check them out!!  Thanks Rhonna and friends, it was so amazing to have you all come!
You can also check out Rhonna's amazing blog!
But the highlight of the show for me was meeting two of my local blog followers.  It so fun to get to put faces to my wonderful cyber sisters!! To the left is Jann Olson of Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson.  To the right is Tanya who read about flea.o.logy on my blog and drove down, through some serious fog, to join the fun!!  Thanks Jann and Tanya, I loved meeting you both!
And a special thanks to all my readers and blog followers, I just wish I could meet you all!!


  1. Thanx 4 sharing...beautiful & clever pieces... not to mention the antiques and curiosities!
    Question? Your friend Wendy...does she make the old tin figures w/ the china doll heads? i love those! I am from can contact me at My castle door is always open over at the "royal blog". Tiffany

    1. Yes, she does ... I was going to save the pics of her doll head tins for a post I am doing about the one I bought for her and one I plan to make ... Thanks for your kind words!!

  2. Nice pictures Paula. I'm glad that I made the trip down. It was great to see you and pick up some goodies at the same time! xo

  3. So sad i couldnt make this one! I was hoping for my schedule to work out, it looks like ive got plenty of goods for the next sales. When will u start reserving spots for your summer sales?

    1. Our dates are May 11, July 20 and August 31, I will put you down for the May sale!! Thanks
