
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Romantic Jane Austen Regency Ball!

... and we are off to the Ball!  The Regency Valentine's Ball, that is, sponsored by the Jane Austen Society of  North America, Utah Chapter at the Masonic Temple in Salt Lake City on February 9th.  My daughter Becca and her husband Brady attended with us.
Dance instruction, in classic period 'Country Dances', was provided by the group, Old Glory Vintage Dancers.  Some of the dances were confusing, some were a ton of fun, but all were very pretty to watch.
Then, given the fact that the ball was hosted by the Jane Austen Society, I was not a bit surprised to run into Uncle and Aunt Gardiner during our first set.  What charming people they are, just as I had always suspected, and perhaps the classiest people in the room, even given the talk of their living in Cheapside ... (errrr was it St. George?)

Of course meeting Bingley's sisters was definitely the visual high light of the evening.  It was also fun to stop halfway through the evening for dinner, just as we would have at a real regency ball.  Kudos to Aspen and the Utah chapter of JASNA, for 'A job well done."


  1. What a wonderful time you must of had. Now that sounds like great fun. Looking at all the costumes, and the meet and greet. Awesome, thanks for sharing with us.

  2. What a life you lead! You are always flitting around here and there...attending wonderful costume. Can I have your life? I sit here stewing in Highland, not trying new things! Brava!

  3. Как здорово! Я бы хотела быть там!Удачи Вам!

  4. What cool costumes! Looks like lots of fun!

  5. Paula Paula Paula...what am I to do with you! You are on the move again. You and Scott looked so amazing in your costumes! What a fun time! xo
