
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Antique Mall Displays that Work!!

So just a couple of weeks ago, I had a chance to spend a week junking in Idaho, around the Boise area. 

I found this booth in the Antique World Mall there and loved it.

She had lots of shades of white and natural beiges and greys ... the lovely aged shades that we love!! She also has a knack for display!

Another booth at the mall had these awesome price tags ...  I just love finding new (to me) ideas for display in antique malls far from home, then when I adopt them, I don't feel like such a copy cat.  And of course there's the vintage goodies I manage to gather to bring home as well.

These pictures are from the Shabby House, also in the Boise area.  I love the style of this shop and was so disappointed that I got there so close to closing that I missed seeing all the tent-sheds full of vintage goodness in the back this time.

I still managed to gather a few things from the main store in the 15 minutes I had to shop, and there is always the next time to look forward to, right?

My dear husband and I managed to hit around twenty antique stores and second hand stores during the week we spent in the north, we saw lots of vintage yummies, but the yummiest thing I fell in love with was brand new!  That's unusual for me ...
Here I am with Charlotte just minutes after she was born.  It was a great trip and I have wonderful memories and hundreds of pictures too!!  Welcome dear Charlotte!



  1. The shop photos are fabulous, but that baby, oh my!

  2. Adore the pic of you and Charlotte. Worth enlarging and framing. xox, Sis

    1. Thanks sis ... I actually like it a lot, but the light was not good, and it turned out pretty grainy ... so probably not.

  3. Hey, Paula, I saved your picture and took it to my simple photo editor on Windows Live Photo Gallery and it lightened up really well. It might not take out all the graininess, but it was so much better.

    1. Thanks Shirley that's a great idea, and I have a daughter-in-law who a photo pro ... who knows what she could do with it!

  4. I had to do a double-take when I saw the first pictures, because the "Vintage Goods" and "Antiques" sign came from me! How fun to see them in your pictures! But the best picture of all is you with that beautiful baby!

    1. Its fun when your work gets around and you get to see it!! But I agree, it always takes me a minute when I do!

  5. What a fabulous booth and shop! That's a darling photo with you holding Charlotte! Just precious!

    1. Thanks Karen, grandbabies are just the best, I just wish that Charlotte and her brothers didn't live a state away.

  6. Congratulations! Aren't grandbabies the best thing ever? I have two in California that are just too far away. Fun trip and some adorable places to shop! Mimi

    1. Yes, grandbabies trump everything else and antique shopping in CA is good too!!

  7. Marci and I just went to Boise antiquing last week......LOVE the World Antique Mall, AND Shabby House...

    1. Oh Girl, am I jealous ... hope you found some goodies!!
