
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Celebrating Baby!

Definitely time to change out my mantel decor from spring and Easter, but to what?   Mother's day falls in May, so I decided to do a mantel based on that magic thing that makes women into mothers, "babies!"

I glittered some eggs for my bird's nest, and tucked in some antique lace too.  The 50's plastic molded baby got delicate polka dot feathers for wings ... thanks Marsha!  And the baby riding a stork picture from Graphics Fairy was perfect for the bird and baby theme.

I added some pennants made from pictures of four of my grand babies and a favorite quote from Dickens, "It is no small thing when they so fresh from God love us."

I also included this sweet lamb peat pot that I got at the Vintage White's Market last month ... it does say spring, but I always think lambs say 'baby' as well.
I think I am going to try to get an infant picture of all of my grandchildren and do a long pennant banner with them.  Wish me luck, a computer crash a couple of years ago, wiped out a lot of my photos, dagnabit!


  1. Always fun to change out seasonal decor. Love the baby idea. Mimi

  2. So charming and original! - love this idea- visiting from graphics fairy
