
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Charlottes and Bear Fairies, Oh My!

 Hello friends ... its me again, and I am working on upping my 'whimsey quotient'.  I keep thinking about Linda's amazing and whimsical house, and what a magical fairy land it is for her grandchildren.  Thus I invited some fairies to come and stay at my house.

These fairies started life as frozen Charlottes and their pet tiny bear friend.  Some magical wings, obtained for a song at Graphics Fairy, is all it took to transform them.  Antique blocks that spell fun, act as bases to stabilize them.  And of course tarnished glass glitter is the perfect fairy dust!  I buy mine in bulk from Meyer-Imports ... here's the link

I thought the bird cage 'cloche' treatment was perfect for the bear fairy, in case he gets hungry in the night ...  I can't wait for the little people in my life to spy these magical critters!  What do you do to bring magic to Grandma's house?

Don't they look like they belong in my bird and garden themed kitchen window?


  1. Stop it! You're killing me! What comic character says "AAAKKK!!!?" Seriously...I love it! I do have a hand carved Pinocchio doll and a Jim Shore Tinkerbell in bird Disney whimsey. But you kick it up a few notches. Well played, Paula...well played.

  2. I forgot to ask...where do you get the glass glitter? I love how it tarnishes.

    1. Shirley, I get it from Meyer Imports ... here is the page Sometimes you can get small amounts at Planted Earth, but I would call first, as they were out the last time I went there. Good luck!!

  3. So whimsical it! I have some antique frozen Charlotte's that I haven't done anything with...hmmm...inspiration hits! xo

  4. Oh my gosh! These are just so sweet. What a fabulous shelf of delights! Can I come around to play, too? I'll bring cupcakes!

  5. These are so cute, and I love how they are standing on an alphabet block. I have no idea what a frozen Charlotte is though, I've never heard of that. Pop by my blog if you get a chance, I make cards.

    1. Frozen Charlottes were small dolls without moving parts, thus the 'frozen', made in the late 1800's into the early 1900's. The faces and hair are similiar to the larger china head dolls popular in the late 1800's.
