
Monday, April 1, 2013

Fairy Tale Whimsy in Decorating!

 I had the most wonderful experience last week, when one of the customers at the antique store invited me over for a buying appointment.  When I drove up and saw her front doors, I knew I was in for a treat.

The mechanical door bell is so charming!!  I knew I had arrived at a fairy tale cottage!

Giant beaters house the light fixtures in the fairy tale kitchen!

Blue skies adorn the ceiling in one room, while in the royal bath, these charming windows shed light on a jetted tub and make you feel like royalty by just looking at them!

This bedroom gets the casbah treatment on the ceiling, and has a round bed as well!!

The unexpected whimsy of a tiny doorway that opens into the wall of the dining room would create the perfect moment for a child, peeking into this tiny doll's house room! Note the sweet three legged stool above place perfectly for taking a peek!

... and if the little ones tire of spying on the dolls in the doll's house room in the wall ... they can go into the back yard and where there is a house just the right size for them!!

Linda's house with all its fun nooks and crannies, is amazing .... I felt like I had wandered into a fairy tale in progress .... so very much fun, thanks for sharing Linda, you have inspired me to up the whimsy quotient at my house as well!!


  1. What a neat house! I hope you got the full tour and will share it sometime.

  2. So adorable! I LOVE a good house tour. Mimi

  3. There is nothing better than a whimsical home and her home is adorable!!!

  4. I want to live there. Oh, this is adorable. I'm tired of chic and making my house look like it's on the market, bland and boring. That's what we should have, a house that reflects us! Thank you so much for taking us with you to see this house. This may have been a life changing feature. Or, at least, a living room changing feature!
