
Friday, May 31, 2013

Mantiques and Seeing Red!

I love red ... it pops!  It seems to be the perfect accent color for almost any color scheme.  That is why, when I put together this display at the antique mall, I found myself looking specifically for red.

 One of our dealers, Jeff, had been quoted several times in a Salt Lake newspaper in an article on 'Mantiques'.  So I decided that to get ready for our big sale this weekend, we should redo our large display, and capitalize on his sudden fame.
 I collect junk 'letters', so doing Mantiques in junk seemed perfect for starters.

 The ever talented Jeff brought in this cool rolling stool to use in the booth.  Its amazing how easy it is to roll around on it, moving from station to station, the basket makes it easy to tote from one place to another as well. How perfect would it be in my craft room?
Then I noticed that this darling young customer from Beijing was fascinated with the globes in the display, and had to snap her picture.

Her mother came over and showed her where her home is relative to the antique shop she was currently in, in Utah.

 When I got home and decided it was time to add some 'summer' to my craft room, I noticed that red came into play again.
My friend Shirley tells me that Circus is Summer for her.  So since I had several circus related items, I thought I would gather them.
This cute doll sculpture on the circus peanuts can, made by my friend Wendy, seemed perfect to preside over my summer display!
I found this cute circus cart at a yard sale last year, all it lacked was a circus animal.  I had been looked for a plastic animal the right size, when it occurred to me that I could find a great circus animal on Graphics Fairy.  She has a lot of charming vintage circus art.
That is how Mr. Circus Bear came to take up residence in my craft room, for the duration of the summer.  And Yes, he does make me smile!


  1. much do I love your circus display!!! There aren't enough exclamation marks. Your display is what I'd keep up year round...I have to make most of my stuff when I can't find cool things at the thrifts and antique mall. I have finished my front door with the elephant board wreath...I will post it sometime soon. Fun use of the peanut I have to think of a quirky way to use mine. Well done!!

  2. I have used the Graphics Fairy animals for two circuses now...her circus pics are perfect! Please let me know if anything quirky circus comes into the store...just if you happen to see something! Thanks again for the elephant board!

  3. Your mantique letters are very cool! And of course as a lover of red, I'm liking your summer circus theme. Your bear is perfect!

  4. Oh my goodness, your circus scene is just too cute! I want to do a circus theme for my boys' birthday party and may have to copycat!

