
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Oak Flooring for a Table Top!

Just a quick reinvention today.  I am busy getting ready for flea.o.logy this weekend... yeah!

I bought this little table with an enameled metal top this past summer.  But when I got home the enameled top turned out to be the perfect answer to a enameled metal medical cabinet I had without a top.
So getting ready for the sale, and cleaning out, I found the topless table, in need of paint and a top, of course.  After trying about four different possible solutions for a top, I spied the left over oak flooring my daughter had left when she sold her house and cleared her garage.  (Yes, I take hand me up junk from my kids  :-)  )

Mr P. put the tongue and groove boards together and attached them to the top.  Then cut off the sides.

I painted the table and sanded and varnished the top.  Now its all ready for a new home ....
Now we just need the right person to come to flea.o.logy and fall in love!!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks you, that is so nice of you to say so. :-)

  2. You did a nice job on that table! I had such a nice time visiting with you today at Treasures. I already have an idea for displaying the Elephant board...some kind of red/white/blue rosette or tissue paper fan. I also found a white elephant planter at DI. Thank you again for that board...I love it!

    1. Thank you Shirley, it was delightful to visit with you too! So glad the funny old elephant board has a new home!! Can't wait to see how perfect it will be when you are done!

  3. Darn Paula, that person might have been me. Wasn't able to make it this time. Really like the new top. I take old junk too. lol! Thanks for sharing with SYC. Hope you sold lots!
