
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Reinvented Floral Plantings for Summer

 Lately, as I have been out early walking with my friend Ginny, its been fun to notice the charming reinvented planters people put together.  Above, of course, is one of the 50's metal picnic baskets that I used to make planters for my garden house.  To the right is a stack of drawers put together by my friend Andrea of QueenBandMe.

 The buried wheel barrow and the half of a whiskey barrel have been around for a long time as an idea, but never loose their charm, even so.
My friend LaVern filled this old metal trunk with lots of colorful flowers, how charming is that!

 At flea.o.logy last weekend there were even more unusual plantings.  My friend Jennine put together the rubber boot plantings, as well as tucking potted plants into old bed springs!

 Another dealer, Vicki, planted lots of colorful Zinnias, in just about anything she could think of ... I love them all, such fun splashes of color.

 Rose, still another dealer at flea.o.logy, tucks succulents into tiny planters, pots and sugar bowls.  Did you notice the sweet tiny bird in the silver sugar bowl?
And I save my favorite for last, Jennine put these petunias in an antique funnel and hung them from a chain, what an amazing hanging planter.
Evidently only your imagination need be your limit in finding fun and whimsical ways to display flowers and plants this summer.  Have you planted in something unusual?  Tell us about it!


  1. What fun planting containers! Thanks for sharing them. And yes, what a cute touch to add the little bird. :-)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, I know seeing all these got my creative juices going.

  2. I love these pretty planting containers. So different and so pretty. Thanks for sharing these.


    1. Yes, its amazing how repurposing something can make you look at it as if for the first time. Thanks for dropping by.

  3. Paula, that is my favorite thing to do is plant in unusual containers. You shared some darn cute ones. I just cleaned my closet and ran across and old pair of garden shoes that are too tight. Bought some succulents today to plant in them. At Fleattitude I bought an old oil funnel. I stuck it in the ground and planted a couple of Impatiens. Thanks for sharing with SYC.
