
Monday, June 17, 2013

A Crown For My King!

 Like most Americans, we celebrated father's day today.  Since I am married to a man who is one of the most amazing fathers I know, I thought he should have a crown, and spent the afternoon making one to honor him.
 His crown includes many of the things he loves .... camping and fishing pictures, and sheet music to celebrate his love of singing and playing the trombone ... the dapper man in the top hat reminds me of men singing barbershop quartet style, which he did for years ...  I couldn't find pictures of antique running shoes ..., but the picture of the man with his kids definitely feels like the kind of father he is.
Thanks to Graphics Fairy for the great pictures!
 See what a good sport he is?  He even wore it for the whole evening!
 Here he is shown with many of his children, their spouses and his grandchildren, who gathered to honor this wonderful man in his role of father!
I am just grateful that he is also the man that asked me to be his wife!


  1. Beautiful post! Love the crown. He sure is surrounded by many who love him. I just bought a Scrabble game for $1 at an estate auction for the tiles. I like to see what can be done with them. Love your idea.

    1. Yep, those handy little scrabble tiles come in handy, around here, often.

  2. Love the crown, and love the pictures!

    1. Yep, it was fun, and he is such a good sport!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Tonya, I thought it would mean more than a card, because we would remember it when we see the pictures.

  4. Oh my goodness, He is a good sport. And looks like a FABULOUS Dad, Grandpa and Great-grandpa! All the photos are great but I am really loving the last one. SWEET! :)

    1. You are right. Even when I was making it I was thinking of my friend's husbands and couldn't think of a one that wouldn't be embarrassed to wear it. Mine, really is the King!
