
Friday, June 7, 2013

Flower Garden Tales

Just wandering around my yard this morning, feeling generally happy that so far my flowers are happy and blooming.

This picture shows what was once a window well on my old house.   A remodel in the 1930's took out the window when a staircase was placed across the space, leaving the unsightly crumbling well.   I have tried different flowers in the well to no avail.  This year a bleeding heart, now past blooming and two large begonias seem to be happy, happy, happy.
This picture is one of my spring blooming roses that surround an arch, unfortunately dappled morning light does not photograph well. 

These photos show two different views of my front porch... Looks like its time to paint the chairs, eh?

I really love my Virginia creeper on the house, though we have to tear it down every few years to avoid damage to the stone. I just love it when it reaches up this high. 

This year I planted cosmos in the sea horse fountain planter.  I have always thought of cosmos as a sun plant, but this year at the nursery noticed that the tag said part sun. Yeah! It looks pretty happy so far, in the middles of my lawn shaded most of the day with old growth trees.  Maybe I can have the best of both worlds. 

Last of all I wanted to share my new fountain feature.  I found the triple cherub wall mounted fountain at a second hand store last year .... and it weighs as ton.  Using an old tin wash tub for the basin, I was very pleased with how the brick trim turned out and can't wait to see the creeping thyme looks when it get established.
Today I am off to help host the Hidden Garden Tours in South Salt Lake county.  The Utah Master Gardeners are hosting, and my friend Ginny, a MG herself has asked me to come help.  Can't wait, should be wondrous fun, and you can see some of the  best bits, sometime next week!


  1. I love your kind of garden...almost English cottage feeling. I have bad knees so I don't garden...we've been making our landscaping lower maintenance with weed block fabric and flowing shrubs and bushes. It's probably for the one potted geranium on the picnic table is lucky to get!

    1. Sorry about your bad knees, not fun at all. Actually you seem pretty smart to do lower maintenance, I sometimes feel like I am out of my depth, but I love the look of flowers.

  2. your yard look's so pretty, And I love the chippy paint on your wicker chairs on the front porch. Me, myself and I, wouldn't paint them, I'm just sayin' I like that look.......

    1. Thanks Carole, I may just leave them, at least this year, so much else that needs doing.
