
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Incognito at Dear Lizzie

 Happily managed to tuck in a lunch date and an hour of shopping at one of my favorite stores, Dear Lizzie today, along with one of my favorite people, Stacy!

 Laura Jarman the proprietress of the store is amazingly talented.  Walking into her store always takes my breath away!
 Everything is delightful and ever so slightly unexpected ...

 And the attached bistro serves great soups, salads and sandwiches ... the sweet spinach salad was food for the gods!

I may not have mentioned that they also have wonderful 'ala frills' clothing ... Stacy 'models' a favorite gown above, while I find it easy to pose behind a butterfly mask.

What a great afternoon, so glad that Stacy was able to get away as well ... thanks for a wonderful afternoon Laura.

The only thing that came close to marring the day, is that Stacy had come ready to buy a sweet 'cake' pennant banner she had seen the last time she visited Dear Lizzie.  The trouble is, there were no more ... so ... sad ... so...

 I made her one at work today ... between helping our wonderful customers, that is.  I have no idea what the one she had planned to get looked like, but I know she loves pink. 

Stacy has an online shop called Stacysshabbyshoppe, and she makes the cutest faux cupcakes ... (along with other vintage lovelies) maybe she will use the banner across the cupboard where she stores them! That would be adorable!

Oh and thanks to Karen at Graphics Fairy for this great pink Victorian cake ... it is the perfect centerpiece.

Paper lace, sheet music, German glass glitter, letter cut outs, real lace, seam binding, pink string, ribbon, pink buttons, antique tensile and mercury glass Christmas ornaments compete for attention ... won't she be surprised?


  1. What a great shop with some goodies!


  2. LOVE the cake pennant banner. you really should make and sell them......

    1. I actually did put price tags on the ones I was using at the store ... one say "Tea Things" and the other says "Vintage". Good idea!

  3. This is how I envision heaven! What a beautiful store and love that cake banner!


    1. Thanks, I do love the store ... Stacy and I often meet there was lunch ... just great eye candy and the food is good too!

  4. So many pretties! Love the cake banner, and the decoupaged mannequins in the fabulous store...ahhhh....lovely! Catherine

    1. What kind things you have to say, especially since the diamond pattern decoupage mannequin is one that I made, Laura bought it at our antique store, about a half hour down the road from her. You made my day!!

  5. How fun that The Graphics Fairy featured the cake banner we talked about the other day at the shop! joanne

    1. Yep very fun ... and I have to say I was surprised, she has so many awesome projects to choose from. It was great to meet you!!

  6. I'll say I was surprised! I nearly passed out when I pulled that baby out of the envelope! Thank you SO MUCH Paula! It is truly one of the most thoughtful and adorable presents that I've ever received in my life! I am still tickled PINK over it! xoxoxo

    1. Thanks Stacy, I love that you love it!! Your sweet phone call made my day!!
