
Monday, July 29, 2013

A Junquer's Happy Place

 Oh yes, more 'junquing' and I am in my happy place, especially since my chum Wendy was able to go too. (the blonde)

We are at Jennine's Barn Sale in Riverton, her first in several years!

  And, yes, we made out very well! thank you.

 The cupboard above is amazing, eh?  And of course the Lemonade door that visited flea.o.logy a couple of weeks ago.  This time I was able to get a full length picture, no idea what I would do with it, but I love it never the less.

 More goodness ....

 ... and more.
Love the interior color of this 1920's cupboard. Wouldn't it look awesome filled with white ironstone?

 Junque anyone?  Or how about a great old wing back chair with its original blue roses?

 ... and of course rusty has finally come into its own!

 Above is Jennine's new 'shoppe' sign ... love it!

And of course there were goodies too, not the kind you buy and decorate with, the kind you eat and chug!
How cute is her sign?  Made from tea dyed napkins with letters stenciled in place ... the old tub is perfect, don't you think?
Thanks for coming along and sharing the fun with Wendy and me ... we hit a couple of estate sales later, and ran into Denise of Two Ole Crows and a Coot at the barn sale too ... we will be visiting her store soon.

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