
Monday, July 22, 2013

Mid-Summer Flea.o.logy Fun Times!

"Yes, I love flea.o.logy
But not as much as you, you see
But I still love flea.o.logy
Always and forever"
OK, I am done ripping off Napoleon Dynamite ... but I do love flea.o.logy!  I love having a deadline that makes me get projects done.  I love the dealers who come and set up with amazing stuff.  I love meeting new people who love junking as much as I do ... and of course I love shopping for funky stuff.
The sale is held three times a year in the yard of my old home.  This is our eighth year ... we started with 6 or 8 dealers from the antique mall where I sell, and have recently had as many as 40 different vendors.  The yard is very shady, so even when its hot it pretty comfy.  Really, its a party!

 So I thought I would share some of my favorite shots from the flea.o.logy that we held this past Saturday. The display above was done by Kylie.

Isn't this Lemonade door adorable?

 And of course I am a sucker for anything under glass.  Jennine has a knack for putting such displays together too!
My flea business partner, and daughter-in-law, Nell, always sells lots of these cute animal jars!

 How fun is this basket woven light fixture?

 Above, you can count on Mike for colorful and creative contributions to the sale.

Darrel is great at rounding up great old guy stuff ... lots of rusty, and always fun.
This sale, we had lots of great metal junk compliments of Larry, who is the owner of Pickers Paradise in Nephi, boy does he have the selection... always worth the trip south to stock up!

 My friend Andrea, known for her cute blog Queen B and Me ... came for the first time and brought these fun pennant banners .... if you know me, you aren't surprised that one of them stayed behind at my house.  :-)  Just couldn't resist!

 I thought these nesting chevron tables were adorable!!
... and Vickie brought in the ice and water to show how to use the fun old laundry sink, which sold in the first 10 minutes, so she just sold cold water out of it all day, until it was picked up ...

 Angie brought all her fun fifties color along and sold soda pop with fun striped straws!  She also has a fun blog you might want to take a look at.
I think her ticket tags are so fun!!  I even found a darling old bride and groom to keep!

 I thought the Bardsleys had some amazing goodies ... both super talented.  In fact she gave him a bunch of horse shoes once and told him to figure out how to make a star out of them .... really?
 And here is the star ... pretty impressive eh?

Ginny, a first time dealer with us, brought barbed wire wreaths and old windows to share.  I love the one above, with the autumn leaves and just a bit of barbed wire peeking through .... guess what will be adorning my front door in a couple of months!

 I loved this table put together by JoAnne, another first time vendor.  It was so fun to meet her and share her projects .... how perfect is the handle she found for the drawer?
More of JoAnne's talent shining through above.

 This booth was done by some first and last timers.  A couple of gals who wanted to sell off some furniture ... and by the time I got to their booth for pictures, virtually all of the furniture was gone ...  whoa!  They did have some cute tins left as you can see.

 Loved the cashiers apron that Jennine put together from a carpenters apron and lots and lots of lace .... this girl never ceases to amaze me ....

And if you are local, you can go to her barn sale this weekend.  Its Friday and Saturday and you too will be amazed.

Its at 12260 S. Pasture Road (4000 W) in Riverton .... don't miss it, I won't! Its starts at 7:00 A.M, now that's a farm girl for you!

 Just thought I would show off our expert face painter, Liz.  She is shown above with my granddaughter Eva ...

Her handy work is also shown on my grandson Titan, who came down for the sale with his Mom and Dad ... and who kept saying "Mommy, I a tiger!" stopping at anything reflective to check out his face again and again.  It was so cute .... Titan the Tiger!

Oh, and did I mention that we had funnel cakes? as well as our home made twix bars .... yummy!

Well, a couple of parting shots, above is my booth ... to the left is one of the dealers, Rosemary,  loading out ....

It was a great day, and all my leftovers are already loaded in the van to make the trip to the antique mall this morning!!

Hurrah ... now I can start projects for the next and last flea.o.logy of the year on August 31st!


  1. Paula, how did I not know about this? You know I would have been there girl! I will mark my calendar for the 31st. Looks like you had a nice crowd and what fun things! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. Thanks Jann, I will probably see you at Fleattitude in the rec center in Pleasant Grove this Saturday!! (I am paying the $5 to get in at 8:00 A.M.)
