
Monday, August 19, 2013

Wonderful White

Yep, flea.o.logy is fast approaching, in fact its a week from this Saturday .... of course that means lots of projects for me to get ready .... so I thought I would share a few.
Above are antique bottles with some paper lace, old book pages, torn muslin and great graphics from Graphics Fairy!

 I am doing an all white booth this time, so of course that means lots and lots of paint.  I found a few of these garden variety trophies at the second hand store the other day ... the shape of the trophy is great, the base, not so much, so ....

 I removed the base, and concocted one from junk parts I collect and always have on hand ....  I think it even looks better before painting.  (I used E6000 to glue it together)
... And here it is with white paint!

 Next I used some old 'mold builder' flexible molds to add some pizazz to some metal pots.  I made these for another project years ago, and it took so long to make them (one layer of mold builder at a time, with several hours of drying time in between) that I could never get rid of them.

 I filled the molds with plaster of Paris, and since the molds are flexible it was easy to wrap them around the buckets.  I let them dry over night, then cleaned up the over flow and painted them.  When the paint was dry I 'antiqued' them, and embellished them.
 I thought they turned out pretty cute!  Definitely going to try this method on some other goodies.

... and last of all is this cool old pine table.  It was probably home made from a pattern in a magazine in the early 1900's.   The wood had darkened, but, had never been finished.  It took just one coat of paint, but I loved the grain on the top so much, I hated to just paint over it.  I thought a pattern that covered some of the top would accentuate the grain in the contrasting areas.  A Chevron stripe was an obvious choice...
Well, I will be sharing more of my projects as I continue to get ready to the big sale, so feel free to drop on by! 


  1. we're going to Swiss Days on Friday this year, so I am hoping we can make it down to Payson. It would be the perfect weekend!

    1. Cool, I didn't realize it was on Friday too, maybe I should run up there, having never been!!

  2. Oh my goodness, the pots are SO COOL! You are so creative!

  3. The buckets turned flower pots are beautiful. I'm going to have to try something like that myself.
