
Monday, September 30, 2013

Doll House Festival and Haunted Doll House too!

 Here are the promised pictures from the doll house festival this past weekend at the Provo Library.  The event is a fund raiser for the Utah County Children's Justice Center, an organization that  helps with recovery and counseling of child victims of abuse.

 The doll house festival is actually hosted by "Friends of the Utah County Children's Justice Center", and some wonderful friends they are.
You can find out more about this wonderful charity here.

 This picture shows the layout of most of the room of dollhouses, there are about ten more behind me as I took this picture.
 Including this single room sealed box, which I thought was absolutely charming.  It is made on the smaller scale of doll houses, and I thought the details were just astonishing.
This Hobbit house was probably the award winner for the festival.  The details are wonderful.

The hobbit house was put together by this lady, Colleen, and her family.  She is, in fact, the person that introduced me to the Doll House festival in the first place.  She is a regular at the antique mall, and every late summer, she comes looking for details for what ever doll house project she has in mind that year.  (She is dressed for the masquerade ball that is held as the kick off for the festival.)
I went all three days ... the first to set up, the second to take my granddaughter Eva, to the left, and Afton, who is the granddaughter of my friend Ginny, who also got to go, for a super fun double grandma date.

The third, and last day, I went with four other members of We Can, my service group with whom I made the doll house we donated.  Lunch finished up a perfect girl's day out!

And now, just for my friend Shirley ... the Haunted Doll House!!

The skeletons around the table dressed as jack.o.lanterns just made me giggle ... What a super fun day ...  To the right you can see that I did my bit to buy goodies at the gift shop to add more money to the coffers of the Utah County Justice Center. 
And just so you know, before leaving I had a chance to talk with the founder of the 'friends of the' UCCJC ... and she told me one of the most touching stories about a young woman who they worked with as an abused 12 year old, who, as a college student came recently and presented to the staff at an event and shared the difference that the center had made for her in putting abuse behind her and in building a normal life.  She received a standing ovation!  ...  just hearing about it, I stood in the hallway with tears in my eyes.  What a wonderful program, and what amazing people, who are willing to make a difference in the lives of others.


  1. Looks like a super fun event! My grandgirls would love it. I did go up to the Vintage Market in Hoytsville and bought a few things. Thanks so much for the heads up! Mimi

    1. I love the Vintage Market in Hoystville, and I missed it this time .... glad you found some good stuff, great place to shop, I agree.

  2. Those are most beautiful dollhouses!

    1. Thanks, they were so fun. I have honestly seen much nicer doll houses, but these are nice, and its for such a good cause!!

  3. Thanks, Paula! I guess it's true that the squeaky wheel gets the grease! I love the Halloween house and know that it....and the Hobbitses...would have been my favorite! You are always so busy and involved in good things. I so admire you.

    1. Yep, it true, the funny thing is I didn't notice the haunted one at all, until your comment, so it was fun to see it and look at it closely. You should come and visit the festival next year, maybe even donate a little circus or something, you are SOOOO talented, always love your stuff!!
