
Friday, September 6, 2013

Meeting Old Friends for the First Time!

 Today's blog is about a memorable moment.  This is Liz and Robin, they met for the first time today ... but they have known each other for something like 18 years.
It was that long ago that someone posted on an AOL board that they wanted to start an email loop with other mothers of large families, to discuss ideas and solutions unique to those with more than the average number of children.  Four of the ladies, not surprisingly, live in Utah, the other six are scattered along the eastern seaboard, oh and one of our group lives in Minnesota, I met her once at the Mall of America there.

Luanne, to the far left, lives in Maine, just a mile from the ocean.  She is in town for an Insurance Conference.  She had never been west of the Mississippi before this week.  We had an amazing chat.

Between the four of us, shown above, we have 30 children ... but most of our children are grown, some members of the larger group are empty nesters now.  All four of us, in the picture above, are grandmothers now.

We still have a discussion question once a week and though not everyone has time to answer it, its amazing the bond that can be formed without ever meeting your friends in person.

Thanks girls, it was a lovely evening.

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