
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Man in the Blue Tutu

This is our oldest son!!  Crazy eh?  Well let me tell you about him. (Thanks to Nell for this picture) 
When does a mother feel proud seeing her son in a blue tutu? 
When that son rides his bike 140 miles and raises $2700 for cancer research.  

His wife, whose picture he wore, beat ovarian cancer last summer around the time she gave birth to their fourth child. 

She was miserable all summer, but insisted on holding her new baby as much as possible. That baby was the bright spot for her. It still brings tears to my eyes to think of her sweet and determined attitude! 

My son Trevor is normally clean shaven, even on top. But in raising funds on line he promised his friends he'd wear a blue tutu if he reached a certain amount for cancer research fund raising.  Then later he promised he'd grow out his hair for reaching a higher  goal, last of all for meeting the final fund raising goal he promised to dye his hair and beard blue for the race!! 
Mr P and Trevor's oldest and I all met him at the halfway point to cheer him on. 
My daughter Becca and her family met him around the 3/4 point and soaked him with water, for which he was grateful . Unfortunately her kids had used up their silly string while waiting 😊
We drove to Fort Douglas to welcome him at the finish line.  We joined Nell and their three younger children in their wait. 
We cheered for other riders while waiting for Trevor.  The announcer announced riders as they came in telling how much each had raised and who they were riding for, there were several cancer survivors as well.  I had tears in my eyes the whole time. What a beautiful thing it is to witness so much human goodness! 
Here's Trevor with his sweet family as Mr P memorializes the proud moment. 
Mom and Dad were proud as well!! 
This is a picture of our super hero the next day at our Father's Day BBQ!  We love this man!  


  1. Awesome my momma had cancer when I was 2 years old and survival of 40 years!!!

  2. Awesome my momma had cancer when I was 2 years old and survival of 40 years!!!
