
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Flea.o.logy at Olson's Garden Shoppe! Flea Market!

The other two flea.o.logists and myself had our premiere flea market indoors, at Olson's Garden Shoppe in Payson yesterday!!  It was wonderfully crammed and crowded, not only with antique, vintage and crafted goodies, but with our amazing and loyal customers, including lots of new customers who have just discovered us!!

It was such a beautiful venue, a bit of Eden in the dead middle of January, complete with snow falling outside.  What could be better?  Well throw in some antiques and amazingly crafted items and voila, it must be Heaven!!

It was our first time to display our new flea.o.logy sign.  Jenn provided the perfect old patina'ed ladder for display.  What a funky welcome for our shoppers old and new!

Here's a peek at the goodies.  We had most of our regular dealers and added two new dealers to this sale!  Oh such nice and talented dealers!!

And here's the Queen of flea.o.logy.  Kelli won the crown a few sales ago, and here she shows how she climbed to power.  This adorable smock started out as a table cloth that she purchased at one of our summer sales!! You can Visit Kelli at her etsy shop if you like.

More charming displays!
And more treasures, in this case my daughters, Nell makes wonderful jewelry and sells at the show, Becca made adorable tutus and head bands to sell, and Emily did her best to support flea.o.logy and Olson's Garden Shoppe  ... "I didn't plan to spend anything, I just came to visit, but there was such great stuff and such amazing prices!"

I made hundreds of dollars at this sale, and spent hundreds of dollars too!!  Perhaps my favorite purchase is this necklace which is one of Nell's creations ... it was such a happy accident that it perfectly matches my favorite skirt!!  As if it had been made to go with it.  Just another amazing memory of flea.o.logy to go down in the books.


  1. Oh, you sweet thing you. Thanx for linking folks to my etsy page. This was such a GREAT show, it was so crammed but so much fun and wished I had money to go crazy there. I LOVED it and think you all need to keep doing shows there in the winter!!!! I am in love with the Flea-o-logy sign too. Thanx for a great day of shopping. Kelli

  2. It was wonderful Paula and the venue was so refreshing in the middle of winter with all of those lovely flowers and plants around! I found some cute stuff...I'm glad I made it down! (*_*)

  3. The show was WONDERFUL! I'm so impressed! I blogged about it at This is Christine and I was wondering if the 3 wheel bike (it was out front) sold? There was that adorable hutch that I have a picture of on my blog too...sold or still available? Thanks for a great weekend!

  4. I want to come!! Everything looks great! Thanks so much for linking up to Sassy Sites for our free for all party. Be sure to join us tomorrow morning for some shout outs! Have a wonderful weekend!

