
Monday, January 23, 2012

My Steampunk Mantel + One!

I promised you a look at my Steampunk mantel, and here it is, the mantel in my family room.  I will say, however, that I am not loving it.  Too much stuff and it feels like clutter to me.

I do have a fun idea to gather it together in a way, that I hope, will not feel so cluttered.  If that doesn't work, its off to the antique mall with the most of these goods.
The mantel its self is one I got from a friend who knows about my mantel addiction. I wanted it to reach to the plate shelf we were installing, so I added the decorative board from the base of a piano to span the width between the mantel and the shelf.  It perfectly frames the little faux fire place that keeps the room snug.

There are some elements that I do like, so here are a couple of closer shots.  The decoupaged eggs are a lot of fun, both in the little cage and in the egg boiling rack.  I also like the sweet Prim that I got at Dear Lizzie, a charming shoppe that just takes one's breath away.
And here is mantel number two, it is the only one that is original to the house and it is in my parlor.  It is my winter theme mantel and showcases my snowman collection with snowy trees and houses too.

I have had the glisten banner for years, but it still makes me smile! I bought it from a dear friend when she had a cute store named 'The Pink Door'  Isn't that a clever name?
This sweet metal plaque was actually purchased at the antique mall where I work, but by my good friend Stacy.  I rang up the sale and I know she could tell I was jealous. (One of the hard things about working at an antique store.)  She later offered and negotiated a trade so I could have it, sweet girl that she is.  (Possibly also promted by the fact that she does not actually have a fireplace, and because she is adorable ... and well it was blue not pink. )
It reads:
If my fireplace pleaseth thee,
as indeed it pleaseth me.
Bide a while and share its glow,
peace to thee when thou dost go.

I actually have four mantels (installed) in my house and a fifth one in the garage waiting for me to figure out a place for it.  Can you tell I like mantels?  I will have to do some dusting and rearranging so I can show you the other two soon.   I appreciate you stopping by and of course ...
"Peace to thee when though dost go!"


  1. Really good post Paula! Now you KNOW that I am not a Steampunk fan, but I think your display looks really great. You put it together really really well. You went to Dear Lizzie without me? What the heck woman? I am glad that you are using that adorable metal fireplace plaque. It was a hard one to part with, but you are right, I don't have a fireplace so what the heck do I need it for? It looks beautiful in your house. Enjoy ADORABLE girl! xoxo

    1. Yes, well, as I recall someone went to Dear Lizzie without me on Saturday, just sayin' .... and thanks for your kind words.

  2. Yes, I guess I did...but you were a little bit busy as I recall! (*_*) xo

  3. Wonderful mantels. Happy Free for All Friday!

  4. Omy i have never sean anything like this before .
    But i do like it fab work and where didyou get your stuff from ?
    love it thanks you for showing it
    take care linda statham uk england

    1. Hey Lynn, go and take a look at the reworked Mantel, I like it much, much better.
      I am an antique dealer and, of couse, I save all the stuff I love best for myself ... However, I have done some antiquing in England and it was beyond wonderful!! Thanks for your comment.
