
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Beautiful Decay, My Girls, Hunger Games and a Birthday too!!

Saturday - My Style! So we are on the way to Idaho, my girls and me, to stay with my daughter Britt, and have a girl's day out, watching the Hunger Games at an Imax theater in Boise.

My daughter Nell (compliments of my son Trevor) is a pro photographer and loves a derelict.  We saw this beauty from the freeway and had to stop.  Her pictures are, I am sure, much better than mine, but the house its self is so wonderful that it can't help but show off.

The textures and colors were great, but it was the actual bones of the house that most charmed me.  If my Dh's and my job were not five hours away ....

 I love the old green paint peeking thought the newer, but long ago new, white paint.
 and this was my favorite view of all.  Thank heaven I have Nell, my other girls would have put up a ruckus if I had stopped just to indulge myself, so thanks dear Nellie!
After a night camping out all over Britt's house and we are ready to head out to see the movie.  From left to right we are; Becca, Darby, Kim, (my granddaughter), Emily, me, Brittany and Nell. 
We all loved the movie, even me, though I thought the book was overly vicious, and didn't read the others.  Now I will read the sequels, because I loved the movie.

 Before heading home on Sunday we got to celebrate Darby's birthday.  Wasn't she smart to have it on our girl's trip so we could all eat cake?  Here she is with her niece Kim whose mother couldn't get out off work to come.
Happy Birthday Darby Doll!

Britt and all her boys gathered to say goodbye, but even though Lu adores her Uncle Mike, she came home with us too, even though we all know that Uncle Mike need a little girl of his own to spoil. (We call him the baby whisperer, he definitely has skills!)

It was a lovely trip, as times with my girls always are.  Thanks for sharing it with me!


  1. Lol! That old building looked like it could have come from District 12! It's the first thing I thought of when I saw it! =D

    1. Oh Shirley, you made me laugh out loud!! It does, and now I will have to think that everytime I see an old falling down house. Thanks for the smiles!!

  2. Looks like a fun trip with your girls. I did enjoy all the Hunger Games books but they were a little harsh. Can't wait to see the movie. Looks like I was the big winner of your adorable necklace. Thank You!! I have a daughter that has been coveting mine so looks like she might get an early birthday present. Love the box project. Adorable colors and vintage image. Mimi
