
Monday, April 2, 2012

Sweet Spring Plaque

Makeover Monday  This is my makeover project, but I forgot to take a before picture.  Please picture the cool oval plaque with the curvy wire frame (the detail I fell in love with) Now imagine a cheesy Welcome with poorly done roses ...

I gave it three coats of paint.  Then found this graphic on graphics fairy, and played with it to add the "Bless this Nest".  I cut it out carefully and decoupaged it in place.  I was rather pleased with how it turned out, because I love wire, pink roses and birds, so I guess we can say it has everything ... anyway, it makes me smile.

I am driving home today from California with a wonderful load of vintage goodness.  My fleaology partners and I attended the PCC flea market there, and I cannot wait to show off my goodies!  So Please Stay Tuned!


  1. CUTE! :)

    I was reading your post on your girls day! I loved that old building...we just don't have those old places around here. :( Glad you loved the movie... I still have to go see it...I totally loved all 3 of the books. I agree is violent.

    1. Thanks, it was such a fun weekend. I think, sometimes, my imagination is too vivid, while reading I pictue things to such a degree that the movie was a relief in comparison ... now I will read the other books.

  2. Can't wait to see what you found. Your project turned out so cute! I love wire, roses, and birds too. Mimi

    1. I have noticed we often love the same things. I guess you just have good taste, right?

  3. I love the vintage look and spring theme of your plaque. Cute!

  4. That is just adorable!

  5. Your plaque is so pretty in it's simplicity. Your redo is so inviting. I too love birds and the wire frame around it. What a great find.
    Where do you find all your goodies to redo? It's hard to find things here even at the thrift stores. One of main things I miss about KY is all the awesome vintage collectibles that were so much more available. I live on western slope now, close to UT border, west of Grand Junction, CO.
    Just found your blog tonight through Graphic Fairy. So enjoy and appreciate all the incredible images she makes available to us. I don't have a blog but sure enjoy reading all the blogs I subscribe to. The creavity out there in blog land is incredible.

    1. Thanks, I mainly find my cheap stuff at second hand stores and garage sales, though I am an antique dealer, so I also go to auctions, estate sales, other antique stores, as well as traveling to flea markets, etc. in addition I work with two partners and produce a flea market three or four times a year, so there are goodies to be found there was well.

      I feel your pain as far as stuff not being as available here, I love traveling in the east and going to flea markets there. That is why I started the flea market that we hold, we have about 30 deals, so there is a lot of stuff, happily. -P

  6. This turned out so cute! We loved having you link up to our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." We hope to see you again soon! -The Sisters
