
Monday, September 24, 2012

French Laundry Fun!

I found this nice old mahogany piano bench from the 40's at a thrift store ...  It had a hideous red cover and a scarred finish, but great lines.

I painted it a soft off white and then using the Citrasolve method, added a French Laundry graphic I had on hand, and Fleur De Lis I found on Graphics Fairy, along with computer font words I lifted from the laundry emblem.

Because I used a vintage flour sack that had been bleached out, and the Citrasolve method is a bit imperfect, It ended up with an old laundry bag look!   Here it is shown with the apothecary jars I am taking to Fallow Field Farm this weekend.  If you are local (Utah County) information about the sale is on my right side bar.

Of course this sweet bench is also going along to Fallow Field Farm!!  Can't wait to share pictures of the sale, its a first for me. 
Oh and if you are reading this first thing Monday morning in Utah you can catch a segment about FFF on Studio 5 this morning.


  1. That is absolutely beautiful!! I love this look.

  2. I keep missing Flea-ology...I hope I can talk my daughter into accompanying me to Fallow Field Farm. =D

  3. So beautiful. I love how it came out. I'd love for you to share this at my link party that opens each Tuesday evening at 8pm EST. Hope to see you there.

  4. I love it All!!! You are sooo talented.
    Happy Junking!

  5. Love it all too!! The graphics are fantastic. I love doing the transfer method. Looks beautiful.


  6. beautiful job! i love the graphic you added!

  7. It looks so pretty. Really nice graphic. Happy final White wednesday!

  8. This is really pretty.
    Hope you have a good sale.

  9. What an amazing transfer!!! Love love love this bench!

  10. I love what you did with this piano bench, and then I looked around at some of your other projects. I've got to learn how you do all of these things! Sooooo pretty!

  11. Your bench is beautiful. I will be featuring it tonight at my Fall into Fall party that opens at 8pm EST. Please stop by and pick up an I've Been Featured button. Thanks.

  12. Love it! I really need to try this metod. Hope the sale went well! Sure had a beautiful day for a sale. Thanks for sharing with SYC.
