
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Junk Necklace Extraordinaire!

So I worked my one Saturday a month, at the antique mall, last weekend.  The day was insanely busy, which is definitely a good thing!!
 In the midst of the craziness, this necklace walked it ... OK it didn't really walk, but WOW!! 
 Denise, the wearer of said necklace, was so fun to talk to .  She is in the process of starting her own online business.  She gathered these items from across the US, and I think she did an amazing job of putting it together!

Did you notice the vintage silhouette charms?  the game pieces?  the clock parts, the just plain junk? Yep and all added together with many of the pieces having special meaning, or sentimental value, its something like wearing a happifying* scrapbook

Meet Denise Pemberton, as I said, she is in the process of setting up things on line, so if you adore her necklace and need something approximately similar, you will have to contact her the old fashioned way .... via Alexander Graham Bell's invention at:

*This word was used by Galinda in Wicked, I didn't make it up .... promise!


  1. My neighbor makes similar necklaces that she sells at Dear Lizzy and The Emporium at Thanksgiving Point. I really love the necklace that "walked" into Treasures. =D

  2. Oh my goodness, this is such a cute necklace! Reminds me of my old charm bracelet - but as a necklace, and cuter!! :-)
