
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Printing on Book Pages, Again!

Yep, this is me, the lady with black spray paint on her hands ...  I have been busy all day painting picture frames and printing off Graphics Fairy Halloween goodness on old book pages to use in them!

I am doing a fun outdoor craft and vintage market this weekend ... so I am using the crafty side of my brain.  All the frames are vintage or antique, except the lacy metal one, which made the cut because its just too cute.

I even finished off the backs with Halloween scrapbooking paper, something I would never have done for myself, but I love how they turned out. 
So if you are in the neighborhood on Saturday be sure to drop by the Fallow Field Farm, more information is on my right side bar.  Thanks


  1. I love this idea! I just printed off some decorative letters on newspaper, but the colored pictures look very cool. Good luck on your sale!

  2. Cute idea! Love Halloween crafts!

    - Sam

  3. Great idea! Love how the pages turned out!

  4. These are great! Are these pages from an old dictionary? I like it!

    1. The pages are from an antique book called the One Volume Library printed around 1910.

  5. Great way to decorate -- love anything with book pages!

  6. I LOVE them! I'm going to do it!! Thanks!

  7. Gorgeous! Thanks for the great idea!

  8. Love them! And yes, the lacy frame is just too cute. Was this sale in Lindon? My friend called and asked me to go with her but my daughter and I were having a yard sale. Hope you did well. She said it was alot of fun. My daughter and I printed some words and a blackbird on book pages for a banner. Love the vintage feel! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. Yes it was, and it was the most interesting venue I have ever done, even better than Wheeler Farm with ducks walking through the sale. I am doing a blog post right now, about all the awesome details of her hobby farm, it will post on Thursday, if you are interested. BTW I hope you put up a picture of the banner with the blackbird on book pages on your blog!

  9. Love them. Thank you for linking up this week at Shabbilicious Friday.
