
Friday, October 19, 2012

Plaid Torn Tie Garland

 Spent the day getting ready for the change of seasons at the antique mall.  As one of three decorators, I got the chance to redo the back wall.  I gathered winter sports equipment, lanterns, winter art, plaid items and some pops of red!

One dealer had a small bag of quilt scraps in red and green plaids.  I thought they would make a wonderful torn tie garland, and spent a couple of hours at the task.  I finished up with 16 feet of garland and was able to trim the entire top of the new winter display!

I think the display really ended up having an old fashioned winter lodge feel to it. 
 Thanks for coming along to share our new look, and to perhaps be inspired to make your own Torn Tie garland ... we figure that for Christmas we will just put up a couple of wreaths, and add a few old ornaments to the garland.  Whoa, not even Halloween and I am already thinking about Christmas decorating.


  1. I love that garland!! Wish I could be there, browsing! Nice job.

  2. I'm glad you do that feature wall. A few years ago when I was looking for vintage skis and other winter outdoor gear, that's how I found an item I was looking for. Merchandising helps so much! That's why I love the booths you's so much easier to see what's there. =D

  3. This makes me wish I had a rustic cabin to decorate!
