
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Spooky Spices for Witch's Brew

The witching hours is getting closer and closer and I have much to do to prepare for my Brew-haha!!  I bought a cauldron this week .... a big one!!  Now its time to collect the necessities for my witchly recipes!

I found the cool decorative spice rack above at Olson's Green House during their flea market a couple of weeks ago.  I thought with some new labels, this cool rusty wrought iron rack might come in handy when I am tossing a handful of 'Dragon Scales' into my steaming cauldron, for just the right kick!


After washing up the bottles and rack, I tweaked this great graphic from Graphics Fairy to make the new 'spice' labels, and I love how they turned out.  Of course thinking up all the names was probably the most fun.  I just turned the jars around and put the labels on the back, so I will still know what is 'really' inside.  The labels were cut out and decoupaged in place.  But as you can see I stretched the boarder and witch a bit from their original beginnings, to make them fit my bottles.  You may want to stretch them back to fit your bottles.  Have fun with this printable!

When the big day comes, I hope that all of the 'other witches' will be impressed with all the amazing 'ingredients' I have gathered for our festive 'Brew-haha'!!  Wouldn't you be?