
Monday, November 26, 2012

Primary Children's Hospital Festival of Trees

This is the pennant banner I made today.  It says "Fairy Friends".  I am busy finishing up items for the charity auction Christmas tree I am putting together tomorrow with ladies from my service club!

I tried it out on my own tree, which stands naked in the parlor awaiting the completion of the Charity Tree.  Our tree is being dedicated to Judy Dimond, a former member of our group who passed away in January.  We are naming it "Judy Gets Her Wings" ...  She really is and has always been an angel!!

This simple banner was made by printing off this great frame I found on Graphics Fairy (Minus the bow that was on the bottom of the original, to better fit the triangular shape.)  I loved the birds, and thought they went well with our garden fairy theme. Then I glued the triangles to the blue paper and used pinking sheers to trim them.  A circle of glue with red glitter competed them.  Attaching them with old red seam binding was a snap!

Here are some of the other projects I finished up, including the wrapping paper for the 'gifts' under the tree.  I can't wait to get it all put together and take pictures.  This project has been swimming in my head all year.  I hope that you appreciate that our bright color scheme and happy fairy subject really do reflect our lovely friend Judy, who was amazing in every way.  We hope this tribute will show our love and respect for her.
Come back tomorrow morning to see the finished tree! 


  1. might want to do a spell check on your banner. It is really pretty other than the mistake in spelling FRIENDS.

    1. Oh my gosh .... you are so right ... and your warned me in time!!

  2. Well it happens to the best of us. Love your tribute and can't wait to see the tree.

  3. The banner is so nice. I think it is wonderful you are remembering your friend. I once made a plaque and was gluing glitter letters on it when at the end I barely noticed in time I might add that I had left the letter "I" out of the word Jetaime. Luckily there was enough room to add it otherwise I would have had a mess on my hands. All of us have had our time. take care, Darlene

    1. Thanks Darlene, I am not a great speller, but I do know how to spell friend ... LOL ... thanks for your kind words.

  4. What a beautiful tribute to the testimony of friendship!
    People do not pass away when they remain in the heart's of all they
    touched - they just live THERE, instead
    Big hugs,
